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Panchang Points

  Ruling Planets of Tithis Panchang Vedic astrology There are 30 tithis in a lunar month. In Indian Astrology, the calculation of the Tithis starts from Pratipada (The first day in each half of the lunar month) of the Shukla-Paksha. Tithis are as follows : Tithis Ruling Planets of Tithis Quality Deity Pratipada. Sun One Giving Rise Agni Dwitiya Moon Auspicious Ashwini Kumar/Brahma Tritiya. Mars Strength and Power Gauri - Wife of Shiva Chaturthi. Mercury Negative Ganapati Panchami. Jupiter Laxmi/Wealth Naga Shashthi. Venus Fame Kartika-Mars Saptami Saturn Friendly Surya - Sun Ashtami. Rahu Conflict Shiva/Matrgana Navami Sun Agressive Durga Dashami Moon Soft Yama - the God of Death/Diks - Godesses of the Ten Directions Ekadashi Mars Happiness Vishwedeva/Kuber/Vayu Dwadashi Mercury Fame Vishnu Trayodashi Jupiter Victory Kamdeva/Dharma Chaturdashi Venus Agressive Shiva/Rudra Purnima Saturn (

All 27 Nakshatras

Temples for Nakshatam

As per with their qualities, the 27 constellations are divided into following categories and are favorable muhurtha for:

  • Sthira or Fixed,
  • Chara or Movable,
  • Ugra or Fierce,
  • Kshipra or Swift,
  • Mridu or Tender,
  • Tikshna or sharp,
  • Misra or Mixed

The Sthira or Fixed nakshatras are Rohini, Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha, and Uttara Bhadrapada. These constellations are favorable for any work of fixed, stability and long term purpose like planting trees, purchasing property, laying the foundations for buildings, construction of home, factory etc. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Sunday.

The Chara or Movable nakshatras are Punarvasu, Swati, Shravana, Dhanishtha, and Shatabhisha. These constellations are favorable for buying automobiles, vehicles, gardening, going on journey and travel. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Monday.

The Ugra or Fierce nakshatras are Bharani, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha, and Purva Bhadrapada. These constellations are favorable for destructive deeds such as demolishing any structure, setting fires, making imprisonment and works that require force, weapons and confronting enemies. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Tuesday.

The Kshipra or Swift nakshatras are Ashwini, Pushya and Hasta. These constellations are favorable for trade and commercial transactions, admission in school or college, using medicine, taking or giving loans, journey and travel. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Thursday.

The Mridu or Tender nakshatras are Mrigashira, Chitra, Anuradha, and Revati. These constellations are favorable for making new friends and enjoyment of pleasures, romance, dance, drama, fashionable clothes, writing of poetry. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Friday.

The Tikshna or Sharp nakshatras are Ardra, Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, and Mula. These constellations are favorable for filing for a divorce, black magic, casting spells, exorcism, punishment, hypnotism, evoking of spirits, goblins, demons etc. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Saturday.

The Misra or mixed nakshatras are Krittika and Vishakha. These constellations are favorable for activities like worshiping, fire ceremonies, purchasing furniture and electronics. This will be more auspicious if these nakshatras happen to fall on Wednesday.

1) Aswini

0.00 Aries to 13.20 Aries
Horse's head
Ashwini Kumar
Chu, Che, Cho, La

Deity: Asvini-Kumara “Twin gods of health”

Ashwini is the first nakshatra among the 27 nakshatras present in Vedic Astrology. Ashwini is governed by the duality idols known as Ashwini Kumar Twins, who are the physicians of god. Therefore, this nakshatra has great healing power. Ashwini is classified as a small constellation, which means that it is believed to be beneficial to begin works of a small or a delicate nature while the moon is in Ashwini.

Notable personalities born on this Star

  • Ashwathama

Characteristics of native born on this Star:

Long life; tall and bulky body; long hands; moderate-sized nostrils; broad eyes; handsome appearance; liked by all; clever, cunning and wise; respected by highly placed persons; fancy for wearing ornaments; taste for low-class company and rogues; daring or chivalrous; greedy / mean; wavering / indecisive; taste for liquid drinks and food items; neat and reputed.

Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

First Quarter: (Taskaraamsa)

Birth in well-to-do family; will enjoy happy life; fearless or interested in fighting; tale bearing; interested also in women other than wife; highly sexed; will steal if necessity arises.

Second Quarter: (Bhogyaamsa)

God-fearing and charitable; lustrous; one whose prosperity in the matters of finance and agriculture goes on increasing; very healthy; knowledge of SOUL.

Third Quarter: (Vilaksha'naamsa)

Birth in well-to-do family; destined to enjoy all kinds of happiness; one who will succeed in any encounter; high thinking.

Fourth Quarter: (Dharmaamsa)

Devotion to God and King; never leaving the path of a gentleman in all his actions; highly charitable; devoted to Lord Shiva.

General indications for one born on this Star:

  • The first Major Period is that of Ketu running for 7 years, whose effects are malefic in nature.
  • If birth is within the first 2 Ghatikas (Ghatika = 24 minutes), life of the child will be in danger.
  • During the 1st year, fear from fire.
  • During the 3rd year, stomach disorders.
  • During the 5th year, eye diseases.
  • During the 6th year, financial losses.
  • During the 20th year, venereal diseases or diseases due to excess of heat.
  • During the 21st year, fear of death.
  • During the 24th year, fear from thieves or quadrupeds.
  • During the 34th year, diseases with fear of death, which if the native survives, will live up to 96th year enjoying happiness and ultimately attaining peace in Heaven.

Birth marks

Birth mark resembling a fish in black, on waist or arm-pit.


A girl attaining puberty on this day will become wealthy; beget good children, follow religious customs and enjoy all kinds of prosperity.


This day is good for enjoyment with opposite sex; ANNA PRASANA, NAMA KARANA, CHOULA, UPANAYANA, purchase & mounting a horse for the first time, learning scriptures or other studies, oil bath, wearing new clothes, coronation, using conveyances for the first time, erection of a house, painting, all agricultural operations, commencing all auspicious functions, religious rites, journeys, taking medicine, making ornaments, sale of quadrupeds, elephants and conveyances.

Fever or diseases

If fever or diseases accompanied with fever commences on this day, the native will suffer for 9 days. If the appropriate SHANTI is performed, the native will be all right in 7 days.

Journeys / travels

This day is good for commencing journeys.

Visha Naadi commences after 50 Ghatikas (20 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

If MARS is stationary at the time of birth, the native will become very greedy.

As per Sage Yavanaacharya

A girl born on this Star will be beautiful, wealthy, neat and tidy, possess pleasing features, happy, pleasant talk, will enjoy in many ways, religious, devotion to God and Preceptor.

2) Bharani

13.20 Aries to 26.40 Aries
Lee, Lu, Lay, Lo

Bharani (Yoni, the female organ of reproduction)

Deity: Yama – god of death

Bharani is the second nakshatra of Vedic Astrology, the name Bharani comes from the word bharaṇa, which means, “to maintain, bear”. This nakshatra remains under the domain of Yama, who is the Hindu god of death.

Notable personalities born on this Star



Characteristics of native born on this Star:

Restless; many enemies; happy; long life; lover of truth; always enjoys good and tasty food; deep sleep; reddish eyes; broad forehead; curly hair; sickly constitution; forbearance; weakness for women; independent minded.

Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

First Quarter: (Nrupaamsa)

Respect and influence in higher circles; possessing all kinds of prosperity; handsome appearance.

Second Quarter: (Napumsakaamsa)

Few or no children; sexually below-average; greed for wealth.

Third Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

One who enjoys feasts; wise; brave; one who enjoys life best.

Fourth Quarter: (Paapaamsa)

Ungrateful; suffering from pride; cruel; liking company of more than one woman; good number of children; spirit of renunciation; cruel hearted.

General indications for one born on this Star:

  • On the 3rd day of birth, during mid-day, fear from fire.

  • Within 30 months of birth, fear from quadrupeds / implements.

  • In the 5th year, fever with rheumatic pains.

  • In the 24th year, fear of untimely death, which if the native escapes, will enjoy good span of life.

Birth marks

Birth mark resembling a fish near navel.


A girl attaining puberty on this day will have to face widowhood, poverty and longstanding diseases.


This day is good for exchanges with enemies; warfare; use of poison; entering water or journeys over water; entering caves; performing magic gambling; thieving; deceiving; usurping money; charity of cruel types; sowing seeds of thorny shrubs / plants; engaging servants; performing death anniversaries; agricultural operations.

Fever or diseases

Fever starting on this day will entail fear of death or trouble the native for 21 days. Contagious diseases are also likely. If appropriate SHANTI is performed, the native will be okay in 11 days.


This day is NOT GOOD for commencing journeys.

Visha Naadi commences after 24 Ghatikas (9 hours 36 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

Likes company of other women; submissive; inciting quarrels; questionable tactics; ill-behaved; does not possess much wealth or authority; untidy; cruel minded.

3) Krittika

26.40 Aries to 10.00 Taurus
Aa, Ee, Oo, Ay

Krittika (Knife or spear)

Deity: Agni, the god of fire

Krittika Nakshatra is the 3rd star of Vedic Astrology. The ruling deity of this nakshatra is the god of fire or ‘agni’. Thus it is supposed to be the source of energy and power.

Notable personalities born on this Star


Characteristics of native born on this Star:

Lustrous; wise; famous; sumptuous eater; many relatives; easy going life; earns wealth by his own effort; harboring sinful thoughts.

Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

First Quarter: (Dhanaamsa)

Shrewd and intelligent; powerful; pride; wealthy.

Second Quarter: (Paapaamsa)

Ungentlemanly and uncharitable in his actions; company of ladies of questionable character; ill reputed

Third Quarter: (Oogramsa)

Blurred intelligence or slow grasping power but clever; company of mean-minded people and rogues; mentally worried; questionable character.

Fourth Quarter: (Uthkrishtaamsa)

Full of knowledge and humility; charitable minded; great happiness; intelligent; good wealth.

General indications for one born on this Star:

  • In the 3rd month after birth, troubles from fever.

  • In the 1st year of birth, fever with delirium or worst types of fever.

  • In the 2nd year of birth, troubles from poison, possibly a snake-bite.

  • In the 5th / 7th / 12th year, fever attended by rheumatic pains or various troubles, including fear of death.

  • In the 21st year, fear of untimely death by fall from a height, which, if the native survives, will live up to 80 years.

Birth marks

Birth mark resembling a fish on neck.


A girl attaining puberty on this day will suffer from poverty and sorrow, but if Puberty occurs in

  • 1st Quarter: Auspicious results.

  • 2nd Quarter: Auspicious results after feeding 25 Brahmins.

  • 3rd & 4th Quarters: Shanti has to be performed as ordained in the Shastras.


This day is good for use of poison, metal, wood, instruments, gold, and all connected trades / works; deceiving / usurping, repaying debts; buying, collecting money / grains; sale of cows; sowing thorny shrubs; and other harsh professions.

Fever or diseases

Fever occurring on this day will result in fear of life or ease after 9 days. According to JYOTISHA PRAKASHIKA, a man getting fever on this day will suffer much and may result in death.


This day is NOT GOOD for commencing journeys, but journeys may be performed after meals and after 20 Ghatikas (8 hours) from the commencement of the Star.

Visha Naadi commences after 30 Ghatikas (12 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

The day is considered to be inauspicious for all undertakings generally.

As per Sage Yavanaacharya

Excess of anger; interested in quarrels; inclination towards renunciation; revengeful; few relations; lean body; phlegmatic; relatives unfavorably disposed towards her.

4) Rohini

10.00 Taurus to 23.20 Taurus
O, Va, Vi, Vu

Rohini (Cart, temple, banyan tree)

Deity: Brahma or Prajapati, the Creator

Rohini is the fourth Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology and is also considered to be the brightest of all the nakshatras. It is governed by ‘Brahma’ who is considered to be the epicenter of creation. He who created the world has his force behind this nakshatra, which adds immense value to it.

Notable personalities born on this Star


Characteristics of native born on this Star:

Handsome appearance; staunch in adhering to religion; clever; capable; rich; eye-diseases; smaller feet; inclined to do harsh actions; weakness for sex; noble minded.

Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

First Quarter: (Senaamsa)

Wavering mind; blonde hair; courageous; ruthless; fearless in fighting; proud and lucky.

Second Quarter: (Bhrutyaamasa)

Tall and well-built body; lover of victory; good natured; successful.

Third Quarter: (Vidyaamsa)

Learned; author of books; clever in mathematics; proficient in interpreting.

Fourth Quarter: (Atyaasaamsa)

Greedy and covetous; intelligent and good natured.

General indications for one born on this Star:

  • On the day of birth, 6 hours after sunrise, fear of death; failing which on the 3rd / 10th day, similar fear of death.

  • In the 9th year, fear from fever accompanied by rheumatic pains.

  • In the 17th year, eye diseases.

  • In the 27th year, venereal diseases or diseases due to excess of heat.

  • In the 50th year, fever and fear of death.

  • In the 70th year, accidents from wheeled transport.

  • If the above juncture is tided over, longevity of 80 years.

Birth marks



A girl attaining puberty on this day will beget good number of children; will be religious minded and enjoy all kinds of prosperity including long marital happiness.


This day is good for marriage, SEEMANTHA, PUMSAVANA, NAMA KARANA, ANNA PRASANA, UPANAYANA, shaving, studies, oil-bath, wearing new jewels, coronation, mounting a throne, using vehicles for the first time, erection of house / temple, occupation of newly built houses, religious rites, collection of money, jewels, digging wells / tanks, commencing new business and all such auspicious functions.

Fever or diseases

Fever occurring on this day will last for 7 days.


After taking honey, journey in all directions may be undertaken.

Visha Naadi commences after 24 Ghatikas (9 hours 36 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

A girl born on this Star will be beautiful, neat and tidy, well-shaped body, devotion to parents and husband, prosperous sons and daughters, wealthy, careful.


5) Mrigasira

23.20 Taurus to 6.40 Gemini
Deer's head
Ve, Vo, Ka, Kee

Mrigashira (Deer’s head)

Deity: Soma, Chandra, the moon god

The Mrigasira Nakshatra is the 5th Nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology and is also considered to be the same as the constellation ‘Orion’. This is a very prominent constellation that is visible from all the parts of the world and is one of the most conspicuous star formations in the night sky.

Notable personalities born on this Star


Characteristics of native born on this Star:

Cruel and courageous; enthusiastic; devotion to mother; long life; broad chest; indiscreet; ruthless; broad shoulders; obstinate; talkative and tactless; shy; fair complexion.

Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

First Quarter: (Rajaamsa)

Capable of achieving big things; not afraid of enemies.

Second Quarter: (Chandaamasa)

Religious; interest in study of high class literature and religious books; destined to enjoy happiness of a high order; sweet tongue.

Third Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

Charitable; handsome; soft natured.

Fourth Quarter: (Neechaamsa)

Highly sexed; harming others; wounds on head.

General indications for one born on this Star:

  • On the 18th day of birth, dysentery.

  • In the 3rd year, troubles from poison or snake-bite.

  • In the 25th year, blame being thrown on the native or having to quit native place.

  • In the 50th, separation from wife and children.

  • Longevity 84 years.

Birth marks



A girl attaining puberty on this day will enjoy happiness, be rich, have children and all round prosperity.


This day is good for marriage, ROOTHU, SEEMANTHA, CHOULA, NAMA KARANA, ANNA PRASANA, UPANAYANA, shaving, initiation of schooling for children, studies, oil-bath, wearing new jewels, coronation, using vehicles for the first time, occupation of newly built houses, all professions, agricultural operations, sowing seeds and all such auspicious functions.

Fever or diseases

Fever occurring on this day will last for 5 days or 30 days. If appropriate shanti is performed, the native could be okay in 5 days.


Good for journeys in all direction.

Visha Naadi commences after 14 Ghatikas (5 hours 36 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

Respected; good looking; praiseworthy habits; pleasing talk; great liking for ornaments; interested in showy dress and paraphernalia; prosperous sons; neat and tidy; well mannered; religious.

6) Ardra (Arudra, Thiruvadarai)

6.40 Gemini to 20.00 Gemini
Tear Drop
Ku, Ghaa, Kha, Cha

Ardra (Teardrop, diamond, a human head)

Deity: Rudra, the storm god

Ardra Nakshatra is the 6th nakshatra in the Vedic Astrology and is considered to be the goddess of fortune. The star formation of this nakshatra corresponds to the Betelgeuse star. It is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and appears as a giant big red star.

Notable personalities born on this Star


    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Religious; knack in sales / purchases (businessman); proud; ungentlemanly and uncharitable in actions; ungrateful; long life; selfish and shameless but clever. Girls born on this star will suffer poverty.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Krupaamsa)

    Good conduct; clever and happy.

    Second Quarter: (Taskaraamasa)

    Quarrelsome; stealing habit; piping voice; thirsty.

    Third Quarter: (Oograamsa)

    Untidy in appearance; in the habit of giving bad advice; mediocre financial status; sinful in deeds; difficulties.

    Fourth Quarter: (Oothkrishtaamsa)

    God fearing; religious minded; one who understands and picks up good points from others; pleasing personality.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 9th month of the 5th year of birth, fear of death or accident.

    • In the 16th year, rheumatic pains and fear from fire.

    • In the 24th year, fear from poison or snake-bite.

    • In the 42nd year, fear from quadrupeds.

    • In the 61st year, fear of death.

    • If the above juncture is tided over, longevity of 70 years.

    Birth marks



    A girl attaining puberty on this day will face a multitude of problems. If puberty occurs in the 3rd / 4th quarter, then a shanti is prescribed.


    This day is good for exchanges with enemy; undertakings connected with fire, implements and weapons; chanting hymns; performing obsequies; establishing temple of Lord Shiva; starting education or studies; all works connected with machinery.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever occurring on this day will entail fear of death or there will be relief after 3 months. If the prescribed shanti is performed, there will be relief after 1 month.


    This day is NOT GOOD for journeys; however, journey may be undertaken after 14 Ghatikas (5 hours 36 minutes) after consuming sesame powder.

    Visha Naadi commences after 21 Ghatikas (8 hours 24 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star likes company of women; bad nature; anger and sorrow; excess of bile and phlegm; greedy; heavy expenses; pretending to be learned; unpleasant behavior; inquisitive.

    7) Punarvasu

    20.00 Gemini to 3.20 Cancer
    Kay, Ko, Ha, Hee

    Punarvasu (Bow and quiver)

    Deity: Aditi

    Punarvasu Nakshatra is the 7th nakshatra in Vedic Astrology. This nakshatra is also the birth star of Lord Rama, the popular Hindu god who is believed to be the reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. The presiding deity of this Nakshatra is Aditi and it is under the influence of planet Jupiter.

    Notable personalities born on this Star

      •     SURABHI
      •     RK Laxman
      •     Raman Maharshi
      •     Javed JafferyAnil kumble

    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Taste for sweet dish; truthful; gentlemanly; enthusiastic; generous to the extent of renouncing comforts; strong and wealthy; humorous; piping voice or talking in low voice; wise; thirsty.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Uthamaamsa)

    Devotion to God and learned people; personality a bit repulsive; reddish eyes; at times, cruel mentality.

    Second Quarter: (Bhogyaamsa)

    Stylishly dressed; liking for ornaments; interest in sweet dishes; wealthy.

    Third Quarter: (Soumyaamsa)

    Learned; a bit over-sexed; possessing slightly indifferent health, yet long lived; miserly.

    Fourth Quarter: (Dhanaamsa)

    Lustrous; liked by all; rich; fame; high position professionally.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • 10 days after birth but before 3 years of age, eye troubles.

    • After 3 years of age, stomach troubles.

    • During the 5th year, fear from enemy.

    • During the 7th year, troubles to mother including fear of death.

    • During the 16th year, many miseries and difficulties.

    • During the 25th year, fear from poison or snakes.

    • During the 43rd year, troubles from quadrupeds.

    • During the 52nd year, death of son.

    • During the 80th year, troubles from thorns.

    • On the 5th day after New Moon / Moon, Sunday, after 4 Ghatikas (1 hour 36 minutes), after sunrise, death due to smallpox. This juncture, if survived, then longevity up to 96 years.

    Birth marks



    A girl attaining puberty on this day will turn out to be of bad character and at the same time, wasting money.


    This day is good for PUMSAVANA, ANNA PRASANA, NAMA KARANA, SEEMANTHA, CHOULA, UPANAYANA, KARNA VEDA, shaving, studies, learning scriptures, oil bath, wearing new clothes, coronation, furnishing bedroom, occupying houses, journeys and other auspicious functions including marriage.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever occurring on this day will trouble the native for 7 days.


    This day is good for journeys provided the journey is commenced after bath.

    Visha Naadi commences after 30 Ghatikas (12 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will not be proud, interested in charities, reputed, learned, praiseworthy habits, prosperous sons, devotion to God and Preceptor, good looking, pleasing behavior, respected by everyone, high devotion to husband.

    8) Pushya

    3.20 Cancer to 16.40 Cancer
    Hoo, He, Ho, Dah

    Pushya (Cow’s udder, lotus, arrow, and circle)

    Deity: Brihaspati, priest of the gods

    Pushya Nakshatra is the 8th nakshatra in Vedic Astrology whose name has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘pushti’ that means nourishment. In the constellation, it appears as a collection of three stars and is marked by its absence of brightness.

    Notable personalities born on this Star


    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Knowledge of Astrology; keen foresight; wise; courageous; helpful to relatives; taste for sweet dishes; bluish eyes; proud; broad back; long life; liking for solitude; fair complexion; learned; charitable; kind; fat or bulky body; quick-tempered.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Bhoopaamsa)

    Lonely; calm and collected in actions; fat body; injury to one eye; stomach troubles.

    Second Quarter: (Soumyaamsa)

    Interest in women other than wife; tendency to create troubles and quarrels; making friendship with others and being liked by others; greed for money; quarrelsome; good company.

    Third Quarter: (Shooraamsa)

    Happy; calm and collected; given to easy going life and enjoying; kind.

    Fourth Quarter: (Neeraamsa)

    Interested in inciting quarrels; liking to misappropriate others' money; quarrelsome; notorious; stealing habit.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the month of birth, fear of death.

    • In the 13th / 16th year, fear from fire.

    • In the 21st year, fever with rheumatic pains.

    • In the 27th year, fear from weapons and grief thereby.

    • In the 64th / 70th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity of 77 years.

    Birth marks

    Birth mark resembling a fish on hand or feet.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be chaste; have a good number of children.


    This day is good for ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, SEEMANTHA, ANNA PRASANA, NAMA KARANA, CHOULA, UPANAYANA, KARNA VEDA, NAGA VALLI, shaving, studies of all kinds, engaging servants, all agricultural operations, occupation of houses, buying quadrupeds, using conveyances for the first time including horses, religious functions, processions, all auspicious functions up to BUT NOT MARRIAGE.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will last or trouble the native for 7 days.


    This day is good for journeys in all directions after food consisting of PAYASAM (milk pudding).

    Visha Naadi commences after 20 Ghatikas (8 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will have praiseworthy habits and be charitably inclined; beautiful, prosperous, prosperous sons, high devotion, enjoys life in a decent residence, respects relations.

    9) Ashlesha

    16.40 Cancer to 30.00 Cancer
    Dee, Doo, Day, Doh

    Ashlesha (Serpent)

    Deity: Sarpas or Nagas, deifies snakes

    Ashlesha Nakshatra is the 9th Nakshatra of Vedic Astrology and is believed to embody the energy of Mercury and the strength of serpent God Naga. It is also known as Naga and Clinging Star.

    Notable personalities born on this Star



    • J.F. DULLES, USA

    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Talkative; commands respect in higher circles; fearful eyes; travels; commanding tone; devotion to God and learned people; a bit oversexed; good gait; cruel hearted.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Utpannaamsa)

    Courageous; wisdom; truthful; good thoughts.

    Second Quarter: (Papaamsa)

    Untidy appearance; almost always keeping indifferent health; indecisive; sinful deeds; monetary income through questionable sources or mean trades; tendency to spend money on women.

    Third Quarter: (Krodhaamsa)

    Blurred intelligence; untruthful; a bit repulsive personality; getting wealth earned by others; rheumatic constitutionally.

    Fourth Quarter: (Oograamsa)

    Birth of a native in this quarter forebodes danger to lives of parents; fritters away family wealth; wasting money on outsides; happiness of a mediocre order. Note: Birth in the last 48 minutes of this star is highly malefic and inauspicious.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 1st year of birth, fever.

    • In the 4th year, fear from quadrupeds.

    • In the 8th year, fear from fire and poison.

    • In the 11th year, possible deformity or fear from fever, fire and implements.

    • In the 27th year, fear from poison or snake-bite.

    • In the 30th year, rheumatic pains.

    • In the 63rd year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity of 76 or 86 years.

    Birth marks

    Birth mark resembling a fish or spots on stomach.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will face widowhood and be of a bad character.


    This day is NOT GOOD for auspicious and religious functions; but undertakings connected with poison, fire, weapons, warfare, business, cruel actions, digging wells can be performed.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will entail fear of death. If the prescribed shanti is performed, the native will enjoy good health after 1 month. According to Nakshatra Prakaasika, fever commencing on this day will trouble the native for 7 days; if SATURN is bad in transit, fever will last for a total period of 15 days.


    Not a good day for journeys. After consuming PAYASAM (milk pudding), journeys may be undertaken in the Eastern and Northern directions.

    Visha Naadi commences after 32 Ghatikas (12 hours 48 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will not be pleasing to look at; always in the habit of worrying; likes idling; moody; harsh in talking; irreligious and forsaking charity; proud; deceitful; ungrateful and mean.

    1. Magha

    0.00 Leo to 13.20 Leo
    Ma, Mi, Mu, Me

    Magha (Royal throne)

    Deity: Pitrs, ‘The fathers’, family ancestors

    Magha nakshatra is the 10th nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology which corresponds to the star Regulus. The word ‘magha’ means royal or grand and just as its name suggests the natives of this nakshatra get royal and respectable positions in their lives.

    Notable personalities born on this Star

    • ARJUNA



    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Learned; wise; moneyed; successful in all avocations; helpful to relations; devotion to Goddess CHANDI, praiseworthy habits; mean minded; clever in influencing others; quick tempered; dutiful to his wife; reddish eyes; passionate; expert in work done by hands especially with stone; indifferent health.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Senaamsa)

    Blonde haired; yellow eyes; firm minded; reputed.

    Second Quarter: (Bhuktaamsa)

    Earnings by lawful and rightful means; loving solitude; charitable; modest; ready to renounce.

    Third Quarter: (Vichakshanaamsa)

    Wise; knowledge; gentlemanly.

    Fourth Quarter: (Antyaamsa)

    Weakness for women; diseases which cannot be outwardly diagnosed; gentlemanly; short stature; hump back.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • Within 6 months of birth, fear from wounds.

    • Within 18 months of birth, fear from fire and implements.

    • In the 5th / 7th year, fever with bile.

    • In the 30th year, fear from stomach troubles and rheumatism including worm / liver complaint.

    • In the 68th /74th / 84th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity up to 97 years.

    Birth marks

    Birth mark resembling a fish or spots on lower regions.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will face sorrow. If puberty takes place during the 3rd / 4th quarter of this star, then shanti should be performed.


    This day is GOOD for SAMA VARTANA, marriage and all auspicious functions of this nature, digging wells / tanks, religious functions, warfare and all activities requiring courage and daring.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever / disease starting on this day spells danger to the life of the native or the native will become all right after 20 days. A shanti has been prescribed for this.


    Not a good day for journeys. After consuming food consisting of sesame (Til) powder, journeys may be undertaken in the Western and Northern directions - after 48 minutes of commencement of the Star. Visha Naadi commences after 30 Ghatikas (12 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be honorable and rich; have enemies; respects elders and the learned; praiseworthy habits; never in the habit of doing anything ungentlemanly; high devotion; high class enjoyments.

    1. Purva Phalguni

    13.20 Leo to 26.40 Leo

    Mo, Ta, Tee, Too

    Purva Phalguni (Front legs of bed, hammock, fig tree)

    Deity: Aryaman, the God of contracts and unions

    Purva Phalguni Nakshatra is the 11th nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology. On one hand, this star symbolizes joy and creation and on the other, it symbolizes a lack of desire and insipidity, hence it is a mixture of both positive and negative.

    Notable personalities born on this Star

    • NERO


    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Financial and agricultural wealth; good looking; kind hearted; liked by all; interested in wearing ornaments and costly dress; great interest in music; indecisive; early death of mother; very heavy expenses; independent minded; influential; likes to travel; dutiful wife.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Raajaamsa)

    Possessing business knack; weak constitutionally; weak at heart; income from trade.

    Second Quarter: (Napumsakaamsa)

    Reputed; fierce looking; suffers much sorrow.

    Third Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

    Many children; proficiency in work done by hands; interest in mathematics.

    Fourth Quarter: (Daridraamsa)

    Many children; not much happiness; sorrow.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 1st month of birth, fever.

    • During the 1st year of birth, fear from fire.

    • In the 2nd year, fever.

    • In the 5th year, fear from fire.

    • In the 16th year, fear of death, may be in water.

    • In the 24th year, fear of various kinds.

    • In the 50th year, fear from poison.

    • In the 68th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity up to 90 years.

    Birth marks



    A girl attaining puberty on this day will face widowhood, have no children or suffer loss of children and be of a bad character.


    This day is GOOD for starting studies, use of implements, chanting hymns, stealing, drinking, exchanges with enemy, digging wells / tanks, use of poison and work connected with fire, planting trees, getting buried treasures.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever / diseases starting on this day will entail fear of death but the native will become all right after 7 days. If shanti is performed, the native will enjoy good health after 1 month.


    Not a good day for journeys. After 10 Ghatikas (4 hours) from commencement of the star, after taking food, journeys may be undertaken in the Eastern and Northern directions.

    Visha Naadi commences after 20 Ghatikas (8 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will have an upper hand in duels; lovely private parts; prosperous sons; capable of managing affairs; interest in shastras and possessing knowledge; pleasant talk; grateful; charitable and tactful.

    1. Uttara Phalguni

    26.40 Leo to 10.00 Virgo
    Fig tree
    Tay, To, Pa, Pee

    Uttara Phalguni (Four legs of the bed, hammock)

    Deity: Bhaga, the god of marital bliss and prosperity

    Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is the 12th Nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology and is believed to derive its governing force from the deity Aryaman. This nakshatra is symbolically represented by the bed and some of its general characteristics include their motivation to look out for truth and knowledge through good action.

    Notable personalities born on this Star




    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Self-respect; successful in all undertakings; God fearing and rightful; shrewd; sense of pride; hot temperament; enjoying little happiness; calm and collected; learned; sorrow from life partner; attains wealth by literary means; fame on account of his deeds; courageous.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Utpannaamsa)

    Always neat; rheumatic constitutionally; poet; charming personality.

    Second Quarter: (Papaamsa)

    Suffering poverty; indecisive; cruel hearted; rude in talking.

    Third Quarter: (Ugraamsa)

    Ungrateful; humorous; quarrelsome; proud and showy.

    Fourth Quarter: (Shubhaamsa)

    Prosperity and learning; male children; good natured.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • On the 4th day of birth, fever due to indigestion.

    • In 3rd month, rheumatic pains.

    • In the 5th year, fever and / or fear from quadrupeds.

    • In the 30th year, fear from fire and rheumatism.

    • In the 60th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity up to 80 years.

    Birth marks

    Black spots or fish-like figure somewhere on the body.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will have birth of children and enjoy life generally.


    This day is GOOD for ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, SEEMANTHA, NAMA KARANA, ANNA PRASANA, UPANAYANA, SAMA VARTANA, shaving, wearing new clothes, coronation, using conveyances for the first time and occupation of houses.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever / diseases starting on this day will last for 7 days.


    GOOD for journeys in the Southern and Western directions only.

    Visha Naadi commences after 8 Ghatikas (3 hours 12 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be just and firm-minded; wealthy; religious and charitable; well-versed in household duties.

    1. Hastha

    10.00 Virgo to 23.20 Virgo
    Pu, Sha, Nu, Tha

    Hasta (Hand or fist)

    Deity: Saviti or Surya, the Sun god

    The Hasta nakshatra is the 13th nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology. This nakshatra is ruled by the planetary power of the moon and derives its power from the glitteringly powerful arena of ‘Surya Deva’.

    Notable personalities born on this Star




    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Reputed; arrogant; habitually helping and protecting others; wealthy; likes company of young ladies; generous like a king; devotion to God and the learned; keen intellect; upper hand in duels / arguments; suffers some amount of sorrow on account of wife; dutiful sons; strong build; liked by the fair sex; courageous; good looking; dominating type.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Krooraamsa)

    Sinful in actions; strong and healthy; benevolent; devotion to God; over-sexed.

    Second Quarter: (Muktaamsa)

    Good natured; interest in reading moral literature; idle; famous; without enemies.

    Third Quarter: (Panditaamsa)

    Pleasure seeking; business knack; noble mind; ungrateful; sense of humor; quarrelsome; proud and showy.

    Fourth Quarter: (Dhanaamsa)

    Engaged in professions connected with King / Gov.; honored; slightly quick-tempered.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 1st year of birth, fear from fever.

    • In the 2nd / 4th year, loss of wealth.

    • In the 3rd year, fever from enemies and expenses.

    • In the 6th year, fear of life.

    • In the 10th year, fear from enemies.

    • In the 22nd year, fear from blood disorders / bile complaints.

    • In the 24th year, happy company of relatives and auspicious celebrations; diseases on head.

    • In the 42nd year, fear from enemies / weapons; upset of bile.

    • In the 58th / 60th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity up to 80 years.

    Birth marks

    Birthmark resembling a Fish-like figure somewhere on the body.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be blessed with children.


    This day is GOOD for ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, marriage, ear-boring, starting education for children, religious studies, wearing new clothes and ornaments, shaving, processions, buying precious stones, starting medical treatment, coronation, digging wells / tanks, religious sacrifices, meeting important people, all auspicious functions including erection of new houses.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever / diseases starting on this day will last for 7 days.


    Journeys in all directions may be undertaken after consuming sesame powder.

    Visha Naadi commences after 21 Ghatikas (8 hours 24 minutes) from the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will have good looking hands, eyes, legs and breasts; calm and collected; interest in shastras and higher knowledge; well-built body.

    1. Chithra

    23.20 Virgo to 6.40 Libra
    Pe, Po, Ra, Re

    Chitra (Bright jewel or pearl)

    Deity: Tvastar or Vishwakarma, the celestial architect

    Chitra Nakshatra is the 14th nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. Because of its solitary existence in the celestial firmament, this nakshatra embodies and exemplifies the supreme craftsmanship of its governing deity tvashtar.

    Notable personalities born on this Star


    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Adored by women; all kinds of prosperity; over-sexed; knowledge of sexology; bright eyes; large feet; sweet tongued; interest in dressing-up tastefully; larger circle of friends; good looking; pleasure-seeking; fame.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Nrupaamsa)

    Forceful personality; restless; cruel disposition; tactful and cunning.

    Second Quarter: (Napumsakaamsa)

    Devoted to austerity; sweet tongued; interest in meditation.

    Third Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

    Wise; likes wise and learned people; famous; courageous; leader of the oppressed.

    Fourth Quarter:

    Valorous; clever in cheating or stealing; courageous; aggressive.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 5th year, fear from fire.

    • In the 8th year, fear from quadrupeds.

    • In the 20th year, fear from weapons / implements.

    • In the 25th year, fear from thorns and the like.

    • If the native survives the above, longevity up to 80 years.

    Birth marks

    A clear mole or fish-like birth-mark on the left side.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be blessed with children and enjoy long life. More boys and less number of girls would result.


    This day is GOOD for enjoyments with opposite sex; NAMA KARANA, ANNA PRASANA, UPANAYANA, shaving, ear-boring, oil-bath, marriage, starting studies, wearing new clothes and ornaments, use of conveyances, painting works, starting medical treatment, obsequies etc.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever / diseases starting on this day will last for 11 or 15 days.


    NOT GOOD FOR JOUNEYS. But after 15 Ghatikas (5 hours 36 minutes) journeys in Southern and Western directions may be undertaken after food.

    Visha Naadi commences after 20 Ghatikas (8 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be charming to look at with very good features; interest in dressing-up with various showy ornaments.

    1. Swati

    6.40 Libra to 20.00 Libra

    Ru, Re, Ro, Ta

    Swati (Shoot of plant, coral)

    Deity: Vayu, the Wind god

    Swati Nakshatra is the 15th nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. The word ‘Swati’ means purity, or more correctly the first drop of rain which is considered to be very pure.

    Notable personalities born on this Star




    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    In the habit of giving charities and making donations; prosperous; courageous; tall stature; broad eyes; kind and open hearted; fame; enjoying all kinds of prosperity and happiness; devotion to God and the learned; liked by all his relatives; intelligent; small stomach; independent minded; attachment to relatives.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Utpannaamsa)

    Always courageous; behavior according to situations; skillful in talking; good looking; clever; well-behaved; knowledge.

    Second Quarter: (Dhanaamsa)

    Ungrateful; unscrupulous; questionable character.

    Third Quarter: (Oograamsa)

    Having a number of enemies; foolish; angry; wastefully expensive.

    Fourth Quarter: (Uthkrishtaamsa)

    Liked by all; highly sensitive; devotion to God and the learned; wealthy; famous.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • On the 9th day of birth, fear from slow fever.

    • In the 4th year, fever accompanied with rheumatic pains.

    • During the 8th year, fear from diseases.

    • During the 12th year, fear of life.

    • During the 30th year, fever accompanied with rheumatic pains.

    • During the 45th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, will live up to 80 years.

    Birth marks



    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be chaste and prosperous; will get a good husband.


    This day is good for enjoyment with opposite sex; ANNA PRASANA, NAMA KARANA, UPANAYANA, SAMA VARTANA, marriage, shaving, oil-bath, wearing new clothes, using conveyances for the first time, erection of a house, all agricultural operations, starting studies and music; processions.

    Fever or diseases

    Diseases starting on this day will entail fear of life or last for one month.


    This day is NOT GOOD for journeys. After 14 Ghatikas (5 hours 36 minutes), after consuming AMLAKA fruit, Journeys in Southern and Western directions permitted.

    Visha Naadi commences after 14 Ghatikas (5 hours 36 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be chaste; blessed with good sons; wealthy; truthful; travels; good number of friends and relations; lustre; upper hand in duels; good gait; famous.

    1. Vishaka

    20.00 Libra to 3.20 Scorpio
    Ti, Tu, Te, To

    Vishakha (Triumphal arch, potter’s wheel)

    Deity: Indra, the king of the gods, and Agni, ritual fire

    Vishakha Nakshatra is the 16th nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology. Agni and Indra symbolize power, position, and authority and their traits strongly relate to the natives of this nakshatra.

    Notable personalities born on this Star


    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Influence in academic circles and acquaintances with learned people; humble; long life; wealthy; successful in all undertakings; helpful to relations; in debts and commitments in many places; clear speaking; getting sickly off and on; liked by the fair sex; reddish eyes; fair complexion; daring; envious.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Soukyaamsa)

    Broad chest; reddish eyes; wealthy.

    Second Quarter: (Bhogyaamsa)

    Earns wealth through right means; happy; possessing a beautiful wife; ear diseases; sickness due to excess of heat; passionate.

    Third Quarter: (Soumyaamsa)

    Very clever; wealthy; gentlemanly and well-versed; eye diseases; charitable.

    Fourth Quarter: (Ardhaamsa)

    Loved by fair sex; sickly; intestinal disorders.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • During the 5th year, eye diseases.

    • During the 13th year, fever, bile complaints and rheumatism.

    • During the 33rd year, fear from weapons / implements, which if the native survives, will enjoy longevity up to 97 years.

    Birth marks

    Black-spots or fish-like mark below the navel.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be prosperous; and have a good husband.


    This day is good for all agricultural operations, digging wells / tanks, and all undertakings requiring courage, daring and the use of fire.

    Fever or diseases

    If this star falls on a SUNDAY, TUESDAY or SATURDAY, combined with 4th, 6th , 8th , 11th Lunar days in the dark half and fever starts on such a day, there will be fear of death or the native will be all right after 15 days. Shanti is prescribed in Nakshatra Choodamani.


    This day is NOT GOOD for journeys. After 14 Ghatikas (5 hours 36 minutes), after consuming food, Journeys in Eastern and Northern directions permitted.

    Visha Naadi commences after 14 Ghatikas (5 hours 36 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be pleasant to look at; wealthy; religious; pleasant talk; interest in charities; well mannered.

    1. Anuradha (Anusham)

    3.20 Scorpio to 16.00 Scorpio
    Na, Ni, Nu, Nay

    Anuradha (Triumphal archway, lotus)

    Deity: Mitra, the God of friendship and partnership

    Anuradha Nakshatra is the 17th nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology. They derive their strength from Mitra which is their ruling deity and strikes a harmonious nexus with Vishakha Nakshatra.

    Notable personalities born on this Star

    • NANDA



    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Friendly and kind hearted; enjoys high class happiness; property of a permanent nature; well mannered; good looking; prosperity; famous; few children; weakness for women; feeding others; honor from royalty; likes long journeys; taste for fine arts; helpful to public.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter:

    Diplomatic in talk; truthful; in the habit of always chanting hymns or uttering God's name; meditating and modest.

    Second Quarter: (Napumsakaamsa)

    Interested in music, particularly in the use of fiddle; logician; leadership; intelligent.

    Third Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

    Restless and indecisive; possesses beautiful but unreliable wife.

    Fourth Quarter: (Neechaamsa)

    Poor; irreligious; repulsive personality; harmful to others; suffers from want of finance.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • Within the first six months, fear of death.

    • During the 7th / 16th year, fever due to upset of bile and trouble from quadrupeds.

    • During the 37th / 64th year, upset of bile and intestinal disorders, which if the native survives, will enjoy longevity up to 80 years.

    Birth marks



    A girl attaining puberty on this day will enjoy birth of children, landed property and prosperity.


    This day is good for ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, ANNA PRASANA, NAMA KARANA, UPANAYANA, ear boring, Vedic and other studies, marriage, oil bath, wearing new dress and ornaments, coronation, occupying houses, processions, using conveyances for the first time, all agricultural operations, religious rites, shaving and the like.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will entail fear of death or will ease after 30 days.


    This day is GOOD for journeys in all directions after food.

    Visha Naadi commences after 10 Ghatikas (4 hours) after the commencement of the star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be pleasing to look at; benevolent; enjoys goodwill and help from relatives; lustre; possesses authority; dislike for showy items; devotion to husband and God.

    1. Jyeshta (Kettai, Thriketa)

    16.40 Scorpio to 30.00 Scorpio
    No, Ya, Yi, Yu

    Jyestha (Circular amulet, umbrella, earring)

    Deity: Indra, chief of the gods

    Jyeshta Nakshatra is the 18th nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. This nakshatra is believed to epitomize the quintessence divinity of Indra which is its governing deity.

    Notable personalities born on this Star



    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Wheat complexion; many children; firm minded; weakness for women; long nose; after easy money; interest in chemistry.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Utpannaamsa)

    Proficiency in writing and editing; humorous; proud.

    Second Quarter: (Oograamsa)

    Good looking or charming personality; sickly.

    Third Quarter: (Papaamsa)

    Weak eye sight; helpful to others; good looking but unlucky.

    Fourth Quarter: (Subhaamsa)

    Ear troubles; kind hearted; charitable; devotion to God; learned; always doing good.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • During the 3rd year, fever and diseases.

    • During the 9th year, fear from quadrupeds.

    • During the 16th year, fear from fire.

    • During the 20th year, intestinal disorders, liver complaint.

    • During the 28th year, diseases.

    • During the 45th year, fear of death which if the native survives, longevity up to 80 years.

    Birth marks

    Black-spots or fish-like mark on stomach.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will get good issues; enjoy prosperity; and be good natured. If puberty takes place in the 3rd or 4th quarters, SHANTY has to be performed.


    This day is good for Ear boring, shaving, undertakings involving use of poison, fire, exchanges with enemy, use of implements; engaging servants; usurping others' properties; purchases and sales; irreligious functions; black magic and the like.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will entail fear of death or ease off after 1 month. Shanti is prescribed in Nakshatra Choodamani.


    This day is NOT GOOD for journeys. But after consuming Sesame (Til) powder, journeys in the Southern and Western directions may be undertaken.

    Visha Naadi commences after 14 Ghatikas (5 hours 36 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be beautiful, quick witted and enticing; lustrous; very pleasing talk; inclination to enjoy happiness; very wealthy; prosperous; children; love towards relations.

    19. Moola

    0.00 to 13.20 Sagittarius
    Ye, Yo, Bha, Bhe

    Mula (Bunch of roots tied together, elephant goad)

    Deity: Niriti, the god of dissolution and destruction

    Mula Nakshatra is the 19th nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. This nakshatra is associated with a root that provides a basis for everything. All the plants in this world have roots and cannot survive without them.

    Notable personalities born on this Star



    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Religious; wealthy; liked by all relatives; reddish eyes; wheat complexion; a bit oversexed; habit of stealing; sickly always; wavering mentality; kind hearted; liked by the opposite sex; good natured; pleasure seeking; passionate; self-respect.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Taskaraamsa)

    Death of father in early age; sufferings from piles; poverty.

    Second Quarter: (Bhoktaamsa)

    Death of mother in early age; kind hearted; liking for milk preparations and jaggery / sweets; possessing conveyance; enjoying in limited measure.

    Third Quarter: (Vichaksha'naamsa)

    Wealthy; spend-thrift; orator; learned; knowledge of astrology; polite in talking; well-mannered.

    Fourth Quarter: (Dhanaamsa)

    In the service of King / Gov.; leadership; helpful to others; over-sexed; phlegmatic constitutionally and susceptible to TB; girl's voice; soft in talk; well-versed in signs; ups and downs in life.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • During the 2nd / 3rd year, fear from fever, even fear of death.

    • During the 20th year, fever with bile complaints.

    • During the 30th year, fever of the worst kind.

    • During the 50th year, fear from weapons / implements.

    • During the 60th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, will live up to 90 years.

    Birth marks



    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be blessed with good sons.


    This day is good for enjoyment with ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, NAMA KARANA, SEEMANTHA, marriage, starting education; oil bath; wearing new clothes and new ornaments, starting medical treatment for improvement of health, all agricultural operations; all auspicious functions connected with women; digging wells

    • tanks and functions connected with spirits etc.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will entail fear of death or ease off after 21 days.


    This day is good for journeys in Southern and Western directions after eating fruits.

    Visha Naadi commences after 20 Ghatikas (8 hours) after the commencement of the Star, and again after 56 Ghatikas (22 hours and 24 minutes) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will enjoy little happiness; suffer widowhood; poverty; diseases; too many enemies; bereft of relations; suffering defeats; mean; short stature.

    20. Purva Ashada (Pooradam)

    13.20 to 26.40 Sagittarius
    A fan
    Bu, Dah, Bha, Dha

    Purva Ashadha (Elephant tusk, fan, winnowing basket)

    Deity: Apah, the god of water

    Purva Ashadha Nahskatra is the 20th nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Venus and thus the natives born under it are strongly influenced by this planet and its characteristics.

    Notable personalities born on this Star




    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Tall stature; short fingers; successful in undertakings; wise; reputed; master of arts; loving wife; intelligent; clever; very proud; lean body.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Utpannaamsa)

    Little happiness; very brave; reddish eyes; Regimental nature.

    Second Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

    Pot belly; habit of picking up or learning good things; sweet talk.

    Third Quarter: (Bhagyaamsa)

    Indecisive; neat and clean; lucky; kind hearted; happy.

    Fourth Quarter: (Oograamsa)

    Given to uttering lies; quick tempered; sinful; opposes wise people; cruel; sometimes foolish; given to drinking.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 1st month of birth, slow fever or fear from wounds.

    • During the sixth month of birth, fear of delirious fever.

    • In the 12th / 16th year, fear in water.

    • In the 30th year, fear from fever.

    • In the 16th year, fear of death, may be in water.

    • In the 24th year, fear of various kinds.

    • In the 60th year, fear of death by accident, which if the native survives, longevity up to 80 yrs.

    Birth marks



    A girl attaining puberty on this day will face widowhood and will turn out to be a bad character and ill-reputed.


    This day is GOOD for Renunciation and everything connected with Salvation, mathematics, undertakings connected with poison, obsequies, buying and selling quadrupeds, digging tanks / wells, pilgrimage, borrowing

    • clearing-off debts.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever / diseases starting on this day will entail fear of death OR will ease after 30-40 days.


    Not a good day for journeys. But after consuming PAYASAM (milk pudding), journeys may be undertaken in Southern and Western directions.

    Visha Naadi commences 24 Ghatikas (9 hours 36 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will enjoy leadership among the relatives; praiseworthy habits; very beautiful; broad and lustrous eyes.

    21. Uttara Ashada (Uthiradam)

    26.40 Sagittarius to 10 Capricorn
    Be, Bo, Ja. Ji

    Uttara Ashadha (Elephant tusk)

    Deity: Visvedevas, universal gods

    The Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra is the twenty-first nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology. The planetary forces have a strong impact on the life and characteristics of this nakshatra.

    Notable personalities born on this Star






    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Versatile; neat and clean; praiseworthy habits; devotion to God; humorous; long nose; good number of children; kind hearted; diplomatic in talk; valorous; good memory.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Utpannaamsa)

    Well-versed in shastras and knowledge; learned; devotion to God and Preceptor; adhering to one's own religion; intelligent; truthful.

    Second Quarter: (Papaamsa)

    Engaging in fruitless actions; liking for company and acquaintances of people of lower castes.

    Third Quarter: (Oograamsa)

    Stout body; little happiness; contented; suffering from chronic diseases.

    Fourth Quarter: (Shobanaamsa)

    Happy life; interested in scriptures and religious rites; enthusiastic.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • On the 12th day of birth, fever with rheumatic pains.

    • During the 5th year, fever, fear from fire and implements.

    • In the 28th year, serious diseases - small pox etc. or fear from implements.

    • In the 44th year, danger to life from weapons.

    • In the 80th year, eye troubles, fear in water.

    • In the solar month of VIRGO (Kanya) on SUNDAY in the dark half on the 14th lunar day, if it happens to SWATI star, fear of death. If the native survives this threat, then longevity of 90 years.

    Birth marks

    Black-spots or fish like mark on nose or around anus.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will become religious, and be of right conduct, happy and possess children.


    This day is GOOD for ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, NAMA KARANA, ANNA PRASANA, CHOULA, MARRIAGE, UPANAYANA, studies of all kinds, oil bath, shaving, wearing new dress / ornaments, coronation, erection of house, commencing medical treatment for betterment of health.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever / diseases starting on this day will last for one month.


    Good day for journeys. After food and after 15 Ghatikas (6 hours 24 minutes) travels may be undertaken in the Southern and Western directions.

    Visha Naadi commences 20 Ghatikas (8 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be charming to look at; modesty and fame; pleasant features; love towards husband; wealthy; happy; a high position.

    22. Sravana (Thiruvonam)

    10 Capricorn to 23.20 Capricorn
    An Ear
    Ju, Je, Jo, Gha

    Shravana (Ear or three footprints)

    Deity: Vishnu, preserver of the universe

    Shravana Nakshatra is the 22nd nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. This nakshatra is ruled by the planetary forces of the moon and also the divine powers of Lord Vishnu.

    Notable personalities born on this Star




    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Likes to dress-up neatly and tidily in addition to ornaments; likes use of perfumes, cosmetics; fat body; interest in women other than wife; handsome appearance; broad heart; depending upon relatives; liked by all; talkative; happy life; mostly spending his life away from home; famous; wealthy; good-looking wife; pleasure-seeking.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Mangalaamsa)

    Inciting quarrels; stomach troubles; childless; liver complaint.

    Second Quarter: (Bhoktaamsa)

    A bit over-sexed; having a number of servants; enchantments; learned but frank.

    Third Quarter: (Vichakshanaamsa)

    Inciting quarrels; benevolent; proficiency in drawing, painting and allied trades (artist).

    Fourth Quarter: (Dhanaamsa)

    Long nose; knack in sales and purchase; knowledge of animals; charitable and neat.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 2nd / 3rd year of birth, fear from poison.

    • In the 5th year, fear from fire.

    • In the 7th year, fear from weapons / implements.

    • In the 13th year, fear from fever or fear of life.

    • In the 15th year, misfortunes, which if the native survives, longevity up to 90 years.

    Birth marks

    Black spots or Birth mark resembling a fish on private parts.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be blessed with children (more male children).


    This day is good for ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, SEEMANTHA, ANNA PRASANA, NAMA KARANA, MARRIAGE, UPANAYANA, KARNA VEDA, shaving, studies, wearing new dress and ornaments, buying quadrupeds, religious rites, all agricultural operations.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will ease after 11 days.


    This day is good for journeys in all directions.

    Visha Naadi commences after 10 Ghatikas (4 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be very beautiful; learned; interest in shastras and science; knowledge; charitable; helping others.

    23. Dhanishta (Avittam)

    23.20 Capricorn to 6.40 Aquarius
    Ga, Gi, Gu, Ge

    Dhanishta (Drum or flute)

    Deity: Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance

    Dhanishta Nakshatra is the twenty-third nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. It is guided by the divine power of the eight Vasus which are its presiding deities.

    Notable personalities born on this Star




    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Praiseworthy habits; lustre; active with profession; lacking kindness to others; lacking devotion to God and the learned; constitutionally hot; habit of back-biting; broad and long feet; good interest in music or proficiency in fiddle; loved by fair sex; courageous.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Nrupaamsa)

    Stout body.

    Second Quarter: (Soumyaamsa)

    Humble and diplomatic in talking; learned.

    Third Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

    Praiseworthy habits; acting according to times and circumstances; long life; proficiency in astrology; farsighted.

    Fourth Quarter: (Krooraamsa)

    Cruel; stout body; sinful in actions; courageous.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • On the 28th days of birth, fear from fever.

    • In the 5th year, fear from fever.

    • In the 18th year, fever with rheumatic complaints.

    • In the 25th year, many calamities.

    • In the 40th year, fear from diseases or horned animals.

    • In the 50th year, fear in water.

    • In the 60th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity up to 80 years.

    Birth marks



    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be happy and blessed with good children.


    This day is GOOD for ANNA PRASANA, NAMA KARANA, UPANAYANA, enjoying company of women, sales and purchases, shaving, studies, oil bath, wearing new dress and ornaments, coronation, using conveyances for the first time, buying / selling quadrupeds, musical parties, occupation of houses, journeys.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will ease after 15 days.


    This day is good for long or short journeys in all directions.

    Visha Naadi commences after 10 Ghatikas (4 hours) after the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be neat and tidy; wealthy; charitable; conveyances; devotion to God; well mannered; interest in hearing stories; interest in sweet and rich food; happiness.

    24. Satabisha (Chadayam)

    6.40 Aquarius to 20.00 Aquarius
    1000 stars
    Go, Sa, Si, Su

    Shatabhisha (Empty circle, flowers, or stars)

    Deity: Varuna, the god of cosmic waters, sky, and earth

    Satabhisha Nakshatra is the twenty-fourth nakshatra of Vedic Astrology. This nakshatra has the influence of the divine powers of Varuna and is ruled by the planetary forces of Saturn.

    Notable personalities born on this Star



    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Politician; noble-hearted; famous; respectable; good earnings; respect from all sides; many children; helpful to relations; calm and collected in the face of enemies; long life; sense of humor; clever in dealings; blood disorders; knowledge to some extent; long nose; clever in arguments; meeting with obstacles; worthy sons.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Utpannaamsa)

    Devotion to God, Cow and Preceptor; truthful; firm-minded; pride; friendly with everyone; gentlemanly in actions; intelligent.

    Second Quarter: (Papaamsa)

    Funky and cowardly.

    Third Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

    Sinful deeds; a bit dull; possesses children; learned; harsh in actions; cruel; troubled by his own children.

    Fourth Quarter: (Soumyaamsa)

    Loving nature; learned; religious minded; pride.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 3rd year, fear from fever.

    • In the 24th year, diseases and fear from enemies.

    • In the 42nd year, fever due to indigestion or slow fever.

    • In the 53rd year, fear of life / accident.

    • In the 63rd year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity up to 80 years.

    Birth marks

    Black-spots or fish-like birth-mark on the left side.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be blessed with good (male) children.


    This day is GOOD for ANNA PRASANA, NAMA KARANA, UPANAYANA, enjoying company of women, shaving, oil bath, coronation, riding animals, establishing temples, business transactions, all agricultural operations.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will ease after 10 days.


    This day is good for journeys in all directions, after food.

    Visha Naadi commences after 18 Ghatikas (7 hours 12 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be highly virtuous and be adored by relatives; liked by all; commands greater respect among relatives; devotion to the learned.

    25. Purva Bhadrapada (Poorurtadi)

    20.00 Aquarius to 3.20 Pisces
    Funeral cot
    Se, So, De, Di

    Purva Bhadra (Swords or two front legs of cot, a man with two faces)

    Deity: Ajikapada, an ancient fire dragon

    Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the 25th Nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology. Its presiding deity is Aja Ekapat.

    Notable personalities born on this Star

    • RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Very benevolent; knowledge; humility and wealth; good number of children; prosperity; long tongue; ear troubles; long hands; successful in big undertakings; disliked by women; incentive.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Senaamsa)

    Devotion to Lord Vishnu; hard work; happy.

    Second Quarter: (Bhogaamsa)

    In the habit of venturing; fancy for uttering divine songs; not afraid of enemies; proficiency in black magic; pleasure seeking.

    Third Quarter: (Vichakshanaamsa)

    Mentally happy; devotion to parents; knowledge.

    Fourth Quarter: (Dhanaamsa)

    Weakness for women; respect in a wide circle; wealthy; devotion to mother.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • On the 11th / 12th day of birth, fever.

    • In the 3rd year, fear from fever.

    • In the 4th year, fear in water. .

    • In the 80th year, fear of death, which if the native survives, longevity up to 90 years.

    Birth marks

    Black-spots or fish-like birth-mark on face or around anus.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will suffer from widowhood. 1st & 2nd Quarters - Poverty; 4th Quarter - Luck.


    This day is GOOD for digging wells / tanks, all mechanical operations, everything connected with medicine, undertakings requiring courage and daring.

    Fever or diseases

    Fever starting on this day will entail fear of death. If fever starts in the solar month of VIRGO (Kanya) coinciding with Sunday / Tuesday and 1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th Lunar days, fear of death has to be seriously taken note of. Shanty is prescribed in NAKSHATRA CHOODAMANI.


    This day is NOT good for journeys, but after 16 Ghatikas (6 hours 24 minutes) from commencement of the star and after consuming honey, journeys may be undertaken in the Eastern and Northern directions.

    Visha Naadi commences after 16 Ghatikas (6 hours 24 minutes) after the commencement of the Star. As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be wealthy; great attachment to children; charitable; likes company of pious women; learned; respect within household; help from relatives; importance.

    Uttara Bhadrapada (Uthiratadi)

    26 Purvasbhadra

    03.20 Pisces to 16.40 Pisces
    Water snake
    Du, Tha, Jha, Na

    Uttara Bhadra (Twins, back legs of cot, snake in the water)

    Deity: Ahir Budhyana, serpent or dragon

    Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra is the 26th nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology. It is governed by the divine power of Ahir Budhnya and is guided by the planetary force of Saturn.

    Notable personalities born on this Star



    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    Sufferings from diseases; prosperity goes on increasing comparable to that of a waxing Moon; courageous; truthful; lazy; indecisive; orator; politician.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Tikshanaamsa)

    Indecisive and wavering in mind; temperamental; reddish eyes; bilious constitution; lean body; proud.

    Second Quarter:

    Devotion to Gov. / King; soft natured; picks up good things from others; knowledge of astrology; famous; learned; pure hearted; respect from others.

    Third Quarter: (Abhayaamsa)

    Quick in uptake of good points from others; knowledge of ancient science and knowledge in general; happiness; intelligent; learned.

    Fourth Quarter: (Oograamsa)

    Charitable; untidy; blood disorders; hot temper; independent.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • In the 6th month of birth, fear of life.

    • In the 11th year, fear from fever.

    • In the 18th year, fear of life / accident.

    • Total longevity 97 years; death likely on a Sunday in the solar month of Taurus.

    Birth marks

    A clear mole or fish-like birth-mark anywhere on the body.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be blessed with sons.


    This day is GOOD for ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, SEEMANTHA, NAMA KARANA, ANNA PRASANA, UPANAYANA, CHOULA, MARRIAGE, journeys, coronation, use of conveyances, chanting hymns, prayers to all Gods; all auspicious functions, all agricultural operations, erection of house etc.


    Fever / diseases starting on this day will last for 5 days.


    GOOD FOR JOUNEYS. Journeys in Eastern and Northern directions may be undertaken after food.

    Visha Naadi commences after 24 Ghatikas (9 hours 36 minutes) from the commencement of the Star.

    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be obedient to husband; benevolent; devotion; unmindful of self-respect; keen intellect; following her religion.

    27. Revati

    16.40 Pisces to 30.00 Pisces
    A fish
    De, Tho, Cha, Ch

    Revati (Pair of fish, drum)

    Deity: Pushan nourisher, the protective deity

    Revati Nakshatra is the twenty-seventh nakshatra of the Vedic Astrology. It is guided by the divine powers of ‘Pushan’ which is one of the twelve Adityas.

    Notable personalities born on this Star





    Characteristics of native born on this Star:

    All kinds of luck and prosperity; bulky body; forceful and handsome looking; happiness; careful about money; learned; deep thinking; life outside native place; helpful to others; feeds others at his expense; contentment; greed for wealth; charitable; challenging nature; neat; clear mind.

    Additional characteristics of native born on this Star but in

    First Quarter: (Utpannaamsa)

    Knowledge of scriptures and ancient sciences; right conduct; learned and truthful.

    Second Quarter: (Papaamsa)

    Gambling; mischief mongering; sinful actions; swindling.

    Third Quarter: (Oograamsa)

    Inclined to be cruel, dull and treacherous; handsome looking; harboring evil intentions.

    Fourth Quarter: (Sobhanaamsa)

    Courageous; learned; knowledge of scriptures and ancient sciences; gentlemanly. Note: Birth during the last 48 minutes of this Star is highly malefic.

    General indications for one born on this Star:

    • On the 5th day of birth, fever and rheumatic pains.

    • During the 5th month, fear from slow fever.

    • In the 5th year, fever and rheumatic pains of a dangerous type.

    • In the 12th year, fear from quadrupeds.

    • In the 42nd year, accidental fall.

    • In the 60th year, serious fear of loss of life.

    • In the dark half, when Sunday, REVATI and 12th Lunar Day coincide, about 3 hours after sunrise, death due to fever will occur. If the native survives this, then longevity up to 84 years.

    Birth marks

    Black-spots or fish-like birth-mark on the body.


    A girl attaining puberty on this day will be chaste and be blessed with prosperous sons.


    This day is GOOD for ROOTHU, PUMSAVANA, SEEMANTHA, NAMA KARANA, ANNA PRASANA, CHOULA, UPANAYANA, MARRIAGE, journeys, coronation, use of conveyances, chanting hymns, prayers to all Gods, all auspicious functions, all agricultural operations, erecting houses, attending academic discussions, interviewing VIPs and business.

    Fever or diseases

    Diseases starting on this day will last for 21 days. According to Nakshatra Prakaasika, if the first bath after a sickness is taken on REVATI day, then the sickness / disease will recur.


    This day is GOOD for journeys in ALL directions.

    Visha Naadi commences after 30 Ghatikas (12 hours from the commencement of the Star.


    As per Sage Yavanaacharya

    A girl born on this Star will be highly respected; many relations; high thoughts; observing religious rites; lustre; possess quadrupeds


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