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Panchang Points

  Ruling Planets of Tithis Panchang Vedic astrology There are 30 tithis in a lunar month. In Indian Astrology, the calculation of the Tithis starts from Pratipada (The first day in each half of the lunar month) of the Shukla-Paksha. Tithis are as follows : Tithis Ruling Planets of Tithis Quality Deity Pratipada. Sun One Giving Rise Agni Dwitiya Moon Auspicious Ashwini Kumar/Brahma Tritiya. Mars Strength and Power Gauri - Wife of Shiva Chaturthi. Mercury Negative Ganapati Panchami. Jupiter Laxmi/Wealth Naga Shashthi. Venus Fame Kartika-Mars Saptami Saturn Friendly Surya - Sun Ashtami. Rahu Conflict Shiva/Matrgana Navami Sun Agressive Durga Dashami Moon Soft Yama - the God of Death/Diks - Godesses of the Ten Directions Ekadashi Mars Happiness Vishwedeva/Kuber/Vayu Dwadashi Mercury Fame Vishnu Trayodashi Jupiter Victory Kamdeva/Dharma Chaturdashi Venus Agressive Shiva/Rudra Purnima Saturn (


Sign Part of the body Place Physical Structure KEY WORDS POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Mesha / Aries Head & Face
Brain, cerebral hemispheres, cranium, eyes, face, upperjaw, internal carotid arteries.
Dry Place, Thorny land, sandy, Stables, Hilly area. Round facewith little fat, Broad temple
Pointed Chin
Scar or mole over face
Long neck, bony or angular face, middle stature, lean and muscular body. Ruddy complexion; crisp and wiry hair, broad temples; narrow chin; prodding teeth and round eyes.
Enthusiasm Interactive Desire Action
Courageous Energetic
Self-motivated Desire
Rash Willful Selfish Coarse
Vrisha / Taurus Neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw, ears, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, axis, external carotid arteries, jugular veins, pharynx, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae. Tailor,
Shop of fancy items, Flowers shop,
Shed of buffaloes, Furniture mart, Sellers.
Dense hairs
Full forehead, full lips and nostrils; dark eyes, body plumpy, solidly built and stocky, broad shoulders, heavy thighs. Taureans are said to be of short, stocky stature, with strong shoulders and large necks.
Deliberate Patient Placid Practical
Persistent Grounded Acquisitive Sensual Stubborn Unimaginative Possessive Self-indulgent
Mithuna / Gemini Shoulders, arms, hands, upper ribs, lungs, trachea, bronchi, capillaries, breath, oxygenation of blood, nervous system. coffers, suit cases, hills, mountains and high places, dining rooms, schools, nurseries, places ofleaming. Long Straight Nose Long fingers
small face
Long / Wide forehead bright expressive eyes Lean body
Height normal
Physical constitutional week
Versatile Intellectual Rational Communicative
Sociable Adaptable Desires Quick-witted Flirtatious Unpredictable Duplications Shallow
Karka / Cancer Stomach, esophagus, diaphragm, the mammae, lacteals, upper lobes ofliver, thoracic duct, pancreas, serum of blood, peristalsis
of the stomach, chymification.
River, Lake, Sea, Well, Canal, Fountain, Fish pond, Marsh, Dairy farm,Wash basin Wide chest, rounded body, broad forehead, grey eyes, full face, fleshy body, double chin, mature ears. Hands and feet are small. I FEEL
Emotional Receptive Tenacious Caring
Sensitive Nurturing Imaginative Supportive Moody Smoothening Neurotic Domineering
Sign Part of the body Place Physical Structure KEY WORDS POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Simha / Leo Heart, dorsal region of spine, spinal cord, aorta, superior and inferior vena cava. High hills, Forest, Palace, Fort, Government building, Cinema & Drama college, Gold mines, Kitchen, Chimney, Furnace, Play ground,
Stock exchange
Strong, broad shoulders, upright wall wavy hair, cheerful expression, majestic appearance, fearless eyes. I WILL
Grand Playful Loyal Creative
Generous Confident Authoritative Performer Self-centered Arrogant Authoritarian Attention-seeker
Kanya / Virgo Abdominal region, large and small intestines, lower lobe ofliver, spleen, duodenum, chylification, peristalsis of the bowels. Gardens, corn-fields, places where fruits and vegetables are kept, the store-room, book-shelves, first aid-box, libraries, diaries.
Fruit and vegetable basket, Restaurant and corn crop.
Tall Baldness Long nose
broad shoulders Calm voice
Impressive walking style
Discriminating Analysing Methodical Practical
Fastidious Efficient Complaint Effective Fussy Perfectionist Submissive Neurotic
Tula / Libra Liver and Loin
Kidneys, adrenals, lumbar region, skin, ureters, vasomotor system, buttocks
Inner room,
Good ventilated room, Shop of luxurious items, Silk,
Tailor, Readymade garments shop, Flowers shop.
Generally hairs of head split in two parts Beautifully lurk on forehead
Tall nose Medium height
Loving Balanced Sociable Relationship- oriented
Fair-minded Gracious
Co-operative Peace-loving
Indecisive Gushing Confronting Over- compromising
Sign Part of the body Place Physical Structure KEY WORDS POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Vrishchika / Scorpio Reproductive organs Rectum. Bladder, urethra, genitals, descending colon, prostate gland, sigmoid flexure, nasal bone, pubic bone, red coloring matter in blood, reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system. Well inhabited by Snakes & scorpions, Sewage,
Wash basin, Slaughter house, Meat market,
Operation room, Chemical laboratory, Cremating ground, Rusted Iron rod
Protruding forehead Black hair deep eyebrows Round face Forehead cover by hairs.
Dark or dusky complexion, well-proportioned body, hands are generally long, stature above average, broad face, commanding appearance, short and curly hair. Good personality.
Determined Intensive Intuitive Resourceful
Passionate Private Sensitive Powerful Jealous Secretive Unforgiving Overbearing
Dhanus / Sagittarius Hips, thighs, femur, ileum, coccygeal vertebrae, sacral region, sciatic nerves, ischium. Places next to oven, stables of healthy horses, places where weapons are preserved, churches, temples, schools and colleges, courts, woods and bushes, top most room in a house. Tall, well composed body, high and bushy eye brows, rather long face, bright eyes, charming appearance, fair complexion, and handsome figure. I SEEK
Optimistic Enthusiastic Adventurous Philosophical
Freedom loving Honest Outgoing
Non-committed Blunt Indiscriminate Diagnostic
Makar / Capricorn Skin, knees, joints, hair, and skeletal system. Shelf for keeping valuable articles, Lonely place, Hospital, Mental asylum, Jail, Graveyard, Stables, Temples, Caves, Dense forest, Morgue, Tool box, Shed of animals Long nose, firm hps, strong but narrow chin. Prominent features, dark thin hair, eyes deep set, tall and slender body. I ACHIEVE
Patient Organised Serious Conservative
Controlled Frugal Ambitious Strategic Coward Ingenious Ruthless Calculating
Kumbha / Aquarius Lower limbs, ankles, circulatory system. Bumpy road, Fountains, Lake, Caves, Terrace, Window, Tunnel, Radiostation, The place where transistors, Tape recorder, Television etc. are kept Stairs, Ladder, place recently excavated. Tall, full figure, fine clear complexion, defects in teeth, oval face, and brown hair. I KNOW
Altruistic Humanitarian Friendly Idealistic
Unconventional Independent Rational Detached Eccentric Distant Impersonal Inflexible
Sign Part of the body Place Physical Structure KEY WORDS POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Meena / Pisces Feet, toes, fibrin of blood, Lymphatic system,adipose tissue. Pond of sweet water, Sea, Fish pond, Harbour, Mental asylum, Lonely place, Jail, Hermitage, Short hand, Short palm, Knocked shoulders, Pale complex, Short height, big and protruding eyes. I BELIEVE
Sensitive Compassionate Receptive Imaginative
Sympathetic Psychic Vision Sacrifice Sentimental Unforeseen Neurotic Submissive


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