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Panchang Points

  Ruling Planets of Tithis Panchang Vedic astrology There are 30 tithis in a lunar month. In Indian Astrology, the calculation of the Tithis starts from Pratipada (The first day in each half of the lunar month) of the Shukla-Paksha. Tithis are as follows : Tithis Ruling Planets of Tithis Quality Deity Pratipada. Sun One Giving Rise Agni Dwitiya Moon Auspicious Ashwini Kumar/Brahma Tritiya. Mars Strength and Power Gauri - Wife of Shiva Chaturthi. Mercury Negative Ganapati Panchami. Jupiter Laxmi/Wealth Naga Shashthi. Venus Fame Kartika-Mars Saptami Saturn Friendly Surya - Sun Ashtami. Rahu Conflict Shiva/Matrgana Navami Sun Agressive Durga Dashami Moon Soft Yama - the God of Death/Diks - Godesses of the Ten Directions Ekadashi Mars Happiness Vishwedeva/Kuber/Vayu Dwadashi Mercury Fame Vishnu Trayodashi Jupiter Victory Kamdeva/Dharma Chaturdashi Venus Agressive Shiva/Rudra Purnima Saturn (

Karakattvas of Planets ALP


Signification PlanetRepresents
SunKing, people in power, famous people, elections, cabinet ministers.
MoonFemales in general, food, water, mental worries, water born diseases.
MercuryMass media, journeys, ambassadors, industries, business people.
MarsArmy, police, disputes, accidents, war.
VenusArtists, marriages, births, sex, luxuries.
SaturnDemocracy, agriculture, old people, mines, coal, crops, earth.
JupiterJudges, courts, temples, advisors, religious Gurus.
RahuDiseases beyond cure, selfishness, cheaters, thieves.
KethuMedicines, epidemic diseases, inflation


Knowing about ALP planetary Karakatwas (significations) is very important as all the perceivable and non-perceivable things beneath the sky are attributed to 9 planets and are very essential for giving predictions at the time of consultations.



The Sun is the center of solar system. Its approximate distance from earth is 14,96,00,000 kilometers. Its nearest distance from earth in January every year when it is 14,71,03,000 kilometers and furthest in July when its distance from earth is 15,21,06,000 kilometers. Its diameter is 13,92 000 kilometers (109.3 times bigger then earth’s diameter), surface area is 6.087 x 10 12 square kilometers (1,20,000 times of earth’s surface area), volume is 1.41 x 10 18 cubic kilometers (1,306,000 times the earth’s volume) and mass is 1.99 x 10 30 kilograms. The average rotation of Sun in zodiac is 1 degree per day and therefore it takes exactly one year to go around the zodiac.

Surya (SÅ«rya, Sun) is a symbol of spirit. It is considered as soul of Kaalapursha. Surya is considered as king (a ruler) of all other planets. There's a theory that Sunday is kept as a holiday almost everywhere so that people are able to worship Surya on Sundays. Surya represents lord Brahma  with his 4 faces causing the 4 seasons and 4 elements (Fire, Air, Earth, Water). The Surya offers us power of resistance and vitality. It rules our consciousness and ability to see. It gives us force and will power and makes one determined and decisive.

Surya is hot, dry, masculine and positive planet. He is God of Fire and fiery in nature. Sun is lord of East direction and governs Grishma season (June-July). His color is orange or red (the color of sunrise). Surya represents father of the native, kings, the government and all persons in authority.

Surya gives the native honey-colored eyes and large and round face. It makes color of body and hair lighter in shade and gives a bilious temperament. Parts of the body ruled by Surya are heart, head, brain, right eye in males and left eye in females, bones, mouth, spleen, throat, lungs, arteries, blood and its circulation.

When Surya is afflicted it makes the native arrogant, mean, boastful, irritable, jealous, wavering temperament, angry, proud, immoral.

When Surya is beneficial it gives boldness, commanding ability, fame, position, dignity, vitality, energy, happiness, royal appearance, optimism, power, success, good health,  warmth, affection, good temperament, respect to elders, honor from government, wealth. 
Atma, Name, Fame, Bright, Success, Promotion, Government, High Posts, Politics, Dignity, Authority, Gains, Good background, Father, Son, King, Warriors, Fiery Nature, Proud, Male, Royal Pride, Prestigious, , Medicine & Sociology, Sanskrit and its allied languages, Circle shapes, Kashyapa gothra, capital of countries, gold and copper, pungent taste, Arka, Ruby, Wheat, Lord Shiva, Status, Glow, Eminent personalities, Qualities of trigunatma (Brahma, Vishnu & Maheswara), Tejo Tatwa, Satwik, East, Male progeny.

Body Parts

It rules the stomach, right eye, Bone, heart, Spleen, Bile,head and joints. During the dasha of Sun the native has to suffer from problems related the body parts ruled by it. A weak Sun has a tendency to give health complications related to the body parts it rules. The native can also suffer from high fever, mental illnesses and relapse of previous diseases during the dasha and antardasha of Sun.


  • Herbs likeangelica, calendula, celandine, eye bright, juniper, lovage, rosemary, rue, st-johns-wort, palm.
  • Shrubs like bayberry, cercocarpus, laurel.
  • Trees like ash tree, black walnut, dragons blood, frankincense, walnut.
  • Groundnuts


Afghanistan, India, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Sicily, Ecuador, Zanzibar, Bhutan, Bolivia, Central African Republic Chad, The Ivory Coast, Gabon, Indonesia, North Korea, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Maldives, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Mongolia, Seychelles, Singapore, Ukraine, and Madagascar. 

The diseases indicated by Surya are heart problems, epilepsy, cerebral, meningitis, aphasia, polypus, eye disease, high fever, baldness, low blood pressure, and sunstroke.

The products represented by Surya are rice, groundnut, coconut, almonds, chillies, wheat, lavender, saffron, pungent taste juice, orange, asafoetida, cardamoms, poison, laurel, vermin, cedar, marigold, pod grains etc.

Surya represents all majestic animals like lion, boar , horse, and serpents. It also represents lark, swan, nightingale and other singing birds. lion, the eagle, the cock, in general the regal and dominant animals

Surya represents places like mountains, forests, Shiva temples, fortress, government buildings, public offices like District Boards, panchayat etc.

Precious metals & Gems
Metals and gems represented by Surya are Copper, Gold and Ruby. Native whose Lagnesh is Surya can start wearing the ring of Ruby in copper or gold in ring finger in the Surya's Nakshatra (Krttika, Uttara Phalguni, Uttaraashadha).


The average distance between Earth and Moon is 3,84,400 kilometers. Because of elliptical shape of the orbits of Sun and Moon, minimum and maximum distance between Earth and Moon is 3,63,000 kilometers. and 4,06,000 kilometers respectively. The radius of moon is approx 1738 kilometers. (0.2725 times smaller than the radius of Earth) and mass of Moon is 1/81.3 of the earth’s mass. In fact, Moon is a satellite of earth but in astrology it is considered as a planet because of its size and proximity to earth. The moon can be observed to cross any particular celestial meridian, every 27.32166 days, which is the sidereal period of Moon. The period between the one full moon and next full moon is 29.5306 days which is also called lunar month.

Chandra (Moon) gives changeable and plastic nature and rules over personality and form. It is considered as a mind of Kaalapurusha. If Surya (Sun) is considered to be a king of solar system, Chandra is a queen of it. While Surya pours spirit and life to all planetary bodies, Chandra governs over the life of the beings on earth. Chandra is the Luna (Diana), the Queen of the night. Chandra is the Goddess and also a huntress. Chandra governs chastity as well as fertility.

Chandra is a cold, moist, feminine, changeable, receptive and negative planet. He is a lord of North-West direction and governs Varsha Ritu (August-September). Chandra is watery in nature and rules Apas (Water). Her color is silvery white or sea – green. Her chief domain is over the mind, the sleep, and all the fruits of the earth and flowers. Chandra rules over the multitude, the masses, travelling, female relatives, commerce, business, and such professions which deal in liquids. Also he rules over the place of residence.

Physical Features
Chandra gives the native corpulent body, white complexion, lovely eyes, black and thin hair, tender speech and mild temper. Parts of the body ruled by Chandra are left eye of the male and the right eye of the female, breasts, esophagus, stomach, uterus, ovaries, lymphatic, bladder, synovial fluid. Waxing moon is responsible for the arteries, motor nerves and the muscles while the waning one rules the veins, sensory nerves, sense organs and the glands.

When Chandra is afflicted, it makes the native unfortunate, sick in infancy and old age, deformed, impulsive, over anxious, indecisive, rash, depressed, pessimistic. When Chandra is beneficial it gives high position in public life, good family life, courtesy, amiable nature, easy-going and pleasing personality, timidness, magnetism, desire for wealth and worldly things, interest for psychic subjects and taste for all delicious fruits.

The diseases indicated by Chandra are lunacy, eye-disease, paralysis, hysteria, epilepsy, colic, cough and cold, measles, intestinal problems, dyspepsia, hydrocele, diseases caused due to excess of drink, bronchitis, asthma, tumors, nervous debility, dysentery, cancer, typhoid.

The products represented by Chandra are oranges, melon, white poppy, cucumber, palm, mushroom, algae, wintergreen. pumpkin, mercury, sugarcane, cabbage, cauliflower,  lettuce, betel leaves, silver, salt, rice, cream, foreign liquor, fruit juice, pearl, curd, herbs that turn towards the Moon.

Chandra represents animals like dog, cat, mouse, amphibious creatures, horse. She also represents goose, crab, duck, water- bird, tortoise, owl and oyster.hare, the swan, the nightingale, the frog, the fish, the landsnails, the crabs, the shellfish, generally, the nocturnal or aquatic animals 

Chandra represents places like mountains, fortresses, ocean, river, place of residence etc.

Precious metals & Gems
Precious gem represented by Chandra is pearl, also it rules over all white stones. Metals represented are silver, tin, and other white metals. Native whose Lagnesh (lord of ascendant) is Chandra can start wearing the ring of these stones in silver on ring finger in Chandra's Nakshatra.

Mind, Blames, Thief, Change, Movement and Travels, Fraud, Adultery, Cunning, Loss, Fickle Minded, capricious, inconsistent, Female progeny, beautiful eyes, Kapha/vata, soft in speech, Satwik, Jala tatwa, Tamo guna, Divine, Eloping, Distraction, Cheating, Liquid , Food , Water, Sell, Loss, North West, Eyes, Cold, Cough, Venereal, Mental, lungs, Epilepsy, Infections, Blood impurities, Story writing, Astrology, Salt, food, dairy products, agriculture, animal feeding, chemicals, edible oils, Mother, Mother-in-Law, Aunt, Queen, Transfers, Losses, Tamil & its allied Dravadian Languages, Square, Atreya Gothra, Goddess Parvathy, Artistic places & watery places like river, lake & tank, Silver, Salt, Drumstick, milk oozing trees, sweets, slik cloth, Pearl, Rice, Arts, Psychology, Chemistry, Hotel Management.

Body Parts

Moon is considered to be the karaka of mind and heart. It rules Heart, lungs, left eye, breast, brain, blood, body fluids, tube feeding, intestinal, renal and lymphatic duct. Afflicted Moon can cause sleeplessness, lack of intelligence, asthma, and blood related problems. Problems related to diabetes, menstruation, appendix, lung disorders, cough and vomiting are also cause due to weak Moon.


  • Herbs likeirish moss, orpine, water cress.
  • Shrubs like abilia, andrographis, ceanothus, embelia, dog wood.
  • Trees like acai, doves tree, fringe tree, japanese tree, mahogany.


USA, Paraguay, Scotland, Holland, the Bahamas Bahrain Belize, Burundi, Cape Verde, Columbia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo Croatia Djibouti, Kiribati Laos, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi Mozambique, Rwanda, Slovenia Solomon Islands, Somalia, and South Korea.


Ego, Enmity, Cruel, Dominate, Quarrel, Hazards, Anger, Stubborn, Proud, Obstruct, Power (shakti), Electricity, Manliness, Haste, Commander, bridge of nose, Hills, mountains, rocks, mines, metals, hard substances, hard metals, spheres, brother,husband, warrior, soldier, South direction, Male progeny, Agni tatwa, Male, Technical, Machinery, Realtors, Sports, Defense, Mining, Breaks, Quarreling, Harass, bile, Cuts and wounds, muscle, teeth, bones, spine, fire, accidents, Mantra (powered languages), Yantra Vidya, Triangle, Bharadwaja gotra, Red color, spicy, coral, Red gram, Lord Subramanya, Engineering, physics, mining, irrigation, sharp instruments, wild animals, bricks, Fire, thorny trees, industries related to Fire, Electrical, mechanical, metal, mining, mineral, stone crushing, granite, arms and ammunition’s.

Body Parts

Blood, marrow, energy, neck, veins, genitals, neck, red blood cells, Anal, Female organs and body energy levels come under the rulership of Mars. Afflicted Mars give problems related to the karaka elements. Apart from these, brain disorders, injuries, toxicity, painful eyes, itching, blood clotting, females genital diseases, weak bones, tumor, piles, blisters, knee problems etc are also caused due to weak Mars.


  • Herbs like Basil, agrimony, garlic, mustard, nettle, thistle, wild indigo, wild lettuce, worm wood.
  • Shrubs like andrographis, barberry, broom, gooseberry.
  • Trees like alder-buckthorn, camphor, hawthorn, hop tree, jamiaca pepper, jujube berry, thuja, pine tree.


 horse, the wolf, the bee, the dog, the ostrich, the venomous snakes, the scorpions, the spiders, all beasts either fighters or noxious to human beings 


Birmingham, Cape Town, Leicester, Florence, Krakow, Naples, Utrecht, Marseilles, and Georgia.

Angola, Morocco, Queensland, Korea, Syria, Norway, the Transvaal, Bavaria, Antigua, Barbuda, Cambodia, Dominica, Latvia, Lebanon, Micronesia, Panama, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Zambia. Cincinnati, Liverpool, Newcastle, Washington DC, Vienna (pictured), Baltimore, and New Orlean



Logic, Romantic, Friend, Analytic, Intelligent, Education, Diplomatic, logical, romantic, Witty, Sharing, Intellect, Learning, Speech, Commerce, Business, Accounting, publicity, media, teaching, Astrology, publishing, Gardening, Brokerage, Communication, Power of judgement, Writing, Maternal uncle, wise persons, young, sister/brother, friend (girl or boy), lover, maternal uncle, counseling, forehead, skin, lungs, shoulders, anemic, blood defects, lands, agro lands, creepers, education places, North direction, logical and intellectual languages (coded languages), Arrow, Atreya Gothra, Informative, bitter taste, uttareni, Emerald,  Prince, Vishnu, Maths, Statistics, green color, soft and attraction. bridge across to any place.

Body Parts

Mercury is the karaka of chest, nervous system, skin, navel, nose, gall bladder, nerves, lungs, tongue, arms, face and hair. Afflicted Mercury gives problems related to its karaka elements. It also give problems related to muscle and chests on being weakly placed in the horoscope. Due to afflicted Mercury, the native may also have to suffer from typhoid, madness, paralysis, seizure, ulcers, cholera, dizziness, etc.


  • Herbs like agrimony, dill, caraway, elecampane, fennel, fenugreek, horehound, lavender, marjoram, oregano, parsley are ruled by the planet Mercury.
  • Betel leaves, walnut, spinach, plants in general, nut tree, medlar, willow, quince, male fern, carraway, ghee, other oils, green color pulses,
    Mercury rules hrubs like devils claw, hazelnut, honey suckle, licorice, myrtle, savory, vitex.
  • Trees like iron wood, mulberry are linked to the planet Mercury.
    Cardamom,Green gram,


Fox, the ape, the serpent, the parrot, the spider, the bee, the ant, generally the animals that are reputed wise or cunning, dog, goat, ape, weasel and reptiles


Gemini include Iceland, Sardinia, Morocco, Belgium, Wales, Eritrea, Guyana, Kuwait, Norway, Montenegro, Sweden, and Tonga.

Virgo include Crete, Brazil, Greece (pictured), Switzerland, Turkey, Uruguay, West Indies, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador Estonia Guatemala, Honduras, Mali, Moldova, Qatar, and Tajikistan


Noble, Priestly, Preacher, guide, Master, religious, respect, honour, benevolent, wisdom, generous, higher intelligence, successful, self efforts, good works, liver, hernia, jaundice, fat, gas, vata, obesity, yellow color, legal, advisory, endowments, temples, finance, prosperity, growth, North east direction, akasha tatwa, Male progeny, Jeeva karaka, Audit and accounts, philosophy, Lord Dakshina murthy, Minister, Bengal gram, Yellow Sapphire (pushyaraga) Peepal Tree, sweet, Human development and research, Angeerasa gothra, Rectangle shape, sanskrit languages, Kapha, Satwa guna, coconut trees, sugarcane, betel nut, Vedas, interior wood decoration, elephants, prayers, devotional songs, mantras, charitable institutions, charities, jobs linked to priest, advisory, legal, education department, life insurance department, meditation, healing and religious preaching.

Body Parts

Jupiter is the karaka of thighs, fat, brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, ears, tongue, memory, spleen etc. Afflicted Jupiter in the horoscope give health complications related to its karaka elements. A weak Jupiter can also give diseases related to ear, diabetes, tongue, memory and pancreas. Jupiter plays part in giving diabetes to the native.


  • Herbs like dandelion, hyssop, lemon-balm, meadowsweet, mondara, ox-tongue, sage.
  • Shrubs like bilberry, calycanthus, fig, jasmine, tea, thornapple, wintergreen.
  • Trees like cajeurio, chestnut, date palm tree, fir tree, gospal tree, guava tree, indian tree, jambul, lemon tree,linden tree, maple tree, magnolio tree., Teak tree.


elephant, the stag, the bull, generally the wise, swift and strong animals  


Sagittarius include Spain, Australia, Chile, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Barbados, Cameroon, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Libya, and Mauritania.Budapest, Johannesburg, Naples, Nottingham, Sheffield, Sunderland, Stuttgart, and Toronto.

Pisces include Normandy, North Africa, TunisiaPortugal, Samoa, Egypt, Scandinavia, Mauritius, Morocco, Namibia, and Tunisia.


Passion, Beauty, Luxurious, Prosperity, wealth, Expertise, Marriage, Artistic, bhogha, High profile, Profitable, Romantic, Female progeny, Jala Tatwa, Rajasic, Pleasure loving, Wife, Female, Daughter and Daughter-in-law, minister, higher learning, house, vehicle, Assets, comforts, south east direction, vata kapha, venereal diseases, uterine, phlegm, diabetes, semen, womb, ovaries, sexual, marketing, finance, beauty, arts, clubs, hotels, pleasure places, lima beans, white color, vitality, jasmine, artistic houses, cosmetic items, vanity bag, luxury cars, trees of watery places, honey bees, sour fruits, lotus, oval shape, master of demons, power of sanjeevini, expertise in literary languages, pentagonal shape, bargava gothra, places of wealth, joy and pleasures, Sour taste, fig tree, diamond, beans, minister, Goddess Lakshmi, house keeping, jobs linked to banks and finance, performing arts, vehicle, luxury, entertainment, beauty parlours, visual media, music and women related fields.

Body Parts

Venus is the karaka of Face, light eyes, genitals, urine, semen, body, shine and luster, throat, and glands. The native may have to suffer from related diseases during Venus’s dasha and antardasha. Venus is also the karak of vision. Thus, afflicted Venus gives eye disorders too. Genital diseases, diseases of the throat, body glitter loss, impotence, fever, gonorrhea, syphilis, rheumatism, blood loss, etc. are caused due to weak Venus.


 Herbs like Daisy, alkanet, dog rose, elderberry, feverfew, lady mantle, mother wort, pennyroyal, plantain, tansy, thyme, uvaursi, vervain, violet, periwinkle, yarrow.

  • Shrubs like alder, camelia, ephedra, fuchsia, raspberry.
  • Trees like birch tree, guaiacum, peach tree, sycamore, mango tree, neem tree., cherry.


goat, the partridge, the sheep, the pheasant, the pigeon, the dove and the sparrow, all amatory or polygamous or otherwise prolific animals   


Taurus include Cyprus, Tasmania, Ireland, Capri, Rhodes, the Greek Islands, Cuba, East Timor, Serbia, Tanzania, South Africa (pictured), and Yemen.
Lucerne, Eastbound, Eastbourne, Hastings, Palermo, Leipzig, St. Louis, and Dublin

Libra include Lisbon, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Nottingham, and Antwerp.


Stubborn, Service, Karma, Progress, Delay, Lazy, Works, Busines, Promotion, Workminded, blue color, limping persons, hunch back persons, tobacco, factory, labourers, workmen, last rites, Iswara, slow, sincere worker, vayu tatwa, west direction, tamas, profession, low profiles, old materials, indigestion, rheumatism, karma karaka, labour, nerves, joints, gas, dark color, deep eyes, downward looks, cruel, blue sapphire, blue lilies, locomotive, application languages like blue prints, symbols, kashyapa gotra, Lord Yama, industrial development places, iron, cold taste, sami tree, sesame, servant, subjects like departmental and work related training.

Body Parts

Saturn is the karaka of Legs, joints bones, meat, muscles, organs, teeth, skin, hair, ears, knee etc. Afflicted Saturn in the horoscope give health complications related to its karaka elements. Physical weakness, muscle weakness, stomach pain, to be organ injury, to disease of the skin and feet, joints pain, blindness, hair be rugged, have mental concerns, to paralysis, deafness are caused due to weak Saturn.


• Herbs likeagrimony, arnica, belladona, blue bottle, cannabis, fumitory, gravel root, henbane, horsetail, knapweed, knotgrass, safflower.

• Shrubs like andrographis, coca, guelder rose, ignatius, quince, solomons seal.

• Trees like almonds, balm of gilead, elm slippery, ginkgo, holly tree, peepal tree., olive tree.


camel, the bear, the ass, the mouse, the beetle, generally all the beasts of evil omen or of slow movement 


Capricorn include Brandenburg, Brussel, Delhi, Mexico City, Port Said, Oxford (pictured) and Ghen.

Aquarius include Iran, Finland, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden, Syria, Ethiopia, The Holy Vatican City, and Sri Lanka. Brighton (pictured), Hamburg, Helsinki, Moscow, Salzburg, St. Petersburg, and Bremen.


Kalapurusha, Injurious, Last rites, Shadow, Unethical, laborious, low profile, illusions, dangers, other caste, foreign, ill health, danger, wheel, paternal grand father, smugglers, deceivers, thieves, foreigners, drivers, obstructive, stammering, vayu tatwa, tamasic, eccentric, pervert, addictions, secretive, intestine diseases, ear, cataract, poisons, pains, sick, big roads, big grounds, half constructed or destroyed building, wide spread trees, big manhole pipes, public transport vehicles, train, aeroplane, squint eyes, black magic, south west direction, vertical or reverse reading languages, wheel shape, paithenasa, petro and desert places, amusement places, lead, Astringent taste, durva grass, agate, black gram, low class people, Goddess Chamundeswari, indicates subjects like chemicals, nuclear physics, foreign related subjects, jobs related to foreign related companies, secret dealings, atomic energy, air related, poisons chemical industries, intoxication’s, explosives, vehicle related, menial works, secondhand good dealing, black magic and witch craft.

Meat, wine, eggs, radish, coconut, wooden cole, electrical gadgets, Chimney, Mustard, Sword, Blanket, Saffron, mixed seven grains, sacrifice of animal’s etc.

Precious gems/ metals represented by Rahu Hessonite garnet. Native who has a weak Rahu can wear the Ring ( in middle finger ) or Pendant of Hessonite garnet in Silver or Ashtdhatu in the constellation of Rahu.  


Philosophy, bondage, aimless, karma end, religious, ritualistic, moksha, diseases, disputable, ill health, quitting, maternal grandfather, holy person, monks, philosopher, bondage, sanyasis, agni tatwa, tamasic, spiritual, deject, divorce, unworldly, argumentative, law, medicine, occult, bondage, block, de-link, abortive, pains/cuts, tumours, skin, private parts, constipation, piles, pitta, Lord Ganapathy, small, narrow, tail like things, obstructing places and passages, small dogs, rats, insects, arresting, hand cuffs, funeral, grey color, tailoring shops, tailors, materials, edges and ending, dried grass, rope, thread, hair, herbs/roots, loin cloth, trunk of elephant, banyan tree, tail portion of serpent, wire, wireless, North East Direction, flag shape, Jaimini gotra, historic places, pilgrims, religious places, Rusted metals, stale taste, Kusha grass, cats eye, horse gram, Saints, seers, subjects like theology, medical, law, astrology, jobs related to handicrafts, low paid, tailoring, weaving, spinning mills, healing and medicine, argumentative works, wire, rope and pipe, alternative medicine.

 Body Parts 

Ketu is the karaka of abdomen and claws. It also give diseases related to lungs, fever etc. Insects in the intestine, ear problems, eye disorders, stomach pain, physical weakness, brain disorders etc. are also caused due to afflicted Ketu. Ketu also give mysterious diseases whose root cause cannot be determined.



Ketu is the indicator of natural calamities, violent actions or events, fears and accidents. It also rules the poor and isolated. It gives rise to spiritual/religious services and institutions.


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